Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's all about Oikos- Organic Greek Yoghurt

Here is an opportunity for all of you to try this product Click here to get OIKOS COUPONS.

STONYFIELD FARM. I'm sure all of you have heard about this dairy brand. They make great yogurt. Organic, ofcourse. Stonyfield Farm now also makes Oikos Organic Greek yogurt which can be used in a variety of ways while cooking – in baking, as a substitute for sour cream, and mayonnaise, and to create tasty low-fat dishes. Greek yogurt is strained, making it thicker and more versatile in recipes than regular yogurt. Oikos is organic, which means it's made without artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners, and it's made from organic milk produced without the use of toxic persistent pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, or artificial growth hormones (rBST). Now, that, in itself, is a winner winner all the way.

So, 3 weeks ago, I received a very friendly mail from Kristina of STONYFIELD FARM. She came across my blog and sent me coupons for Oikos along with a complimentary reusable eco-friendly tote. She requested that I try out the Oikos product and and let all my readers know what I thought about it. So that's what I'm going to do. I was really thrilled when I received her mail, as this is my first ever offer of the kind. Thanks for the opportunity Kristina.

Over the weekend, I made a tea cake and came up with my own recipe for it. I used the fat-free Oikos Greek yogurt in the recipe. I cut down on the quantity of butter as well. Used only half of what is normally required for a cake.The result........I got a very very moist cake and I absolutely was pleased with myself and with Oikos Greek yogurt. I made a moist cake with half the amount of fat. I felt no guilt when I gobbled-up a piece.

Oikos has flavored yogurts too, like blueberry, vanilla and honey. I tried the Vanilla yogurt. The pure vanilla used in it really came through. These will be great for lassi.

Other than the cake recipe,I have other recipes, in my blog, in which you can substitute some ingredients with Oikos yogurt.

Like Palak Paneer (Click here for recipe). You can substitute the sour cream with Greek yogurt. And in the Hyderabadi Biryani (Click here for recipe) substitute the hung yogurt with Oikos.

To check out more recipes from the Oikos website click here .

THE VERDICT: I absolutely loved OIKOS and I'm sure I'll come up with many other ways to use this product. So, for me, Oikos will be a staple in my household. I love that it's zero fat and organic and can help me come up with more low fat recipes.

So, if any of you want are thinking twice about trying this product, just go right ahead. It's worth it. It's available in the diary section of most grocery stores.

Click here to get OIKOS COUPONS.


  • 1 stick of butter
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 3/4 cup Oikos Greek yogurt( substitute with sour cream)
  • 3/4 cup of apple sauce
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3 large eggs
  • 2-1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla

Directions :

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 C)
  • Grease and flour 2 loaf pans
  • Sift the baking powder and flour together and set aside.
  • In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar until fluffy.
  • Add eggs, beating well after each addition.
  • Add the flour mixture and beat until everything is well incorporated.
  • Add the vanilla and mix well.
  • Now add the Oikos and apple sauce and mix.
  • Pour the mixture into the 2 greased and floured loaf pans.
  • Bake for 35-40 minutes.
Luv 'n' luc'


  1. welcome back smittens..the tea cake looks lovely..and i had no idea oikos brand until u introduced!! thnks and keep bloggin!! good to have u around!

  2. Wowo! cool post .welcome back dear :) ..Its new yogurt to me never heard that before Thanks for sharing :) ..

  3. Heard a lot abt this oikos greek yogurt thru blogs..i hav to buy it soon..

  4. Have heard a lot about Stonyfield! Never had the chance to buy the yoghurt till now. Need to try it. Wow the cake looks spongy and delicious! Perfect tea cake :)

  5. heyy..welcome back!! :)

    the tea cake looks nice and moist. I havent tried greek yoghurt in baking..will buy some now, especially after your recommendation.

  6. Hi Smitha..good to see u bak..wonderful moist it too recived her mail n waiting for the coupons..cant wait to taste it..:)

  7. Wow! It looks absolutely delicious! So moist! Glad you are back! :)

  8. Wow thats so interesting post smitha and cake is looking so moist and yu..mmy

  9. Wow tea cake with yogrurt...thats a very healthy cake Smitha...looks so soft and delicious :)

  10. nice to see you back..the tea cake looks so light ..perfect texture

  11. Tea cake sounds yum with Oikos,I've been buying the yogurt too after those free trial coupons:)

  12. Welcome back. Nice cake . Love it with coffee:)

  13. Hey smitha...
    Lemme start with a cheers!!!!!!!!!!! hip-hip-hurray!!!!!!!
    Thanks a lot for stopping by vazhayila and leaving ur msg.
    You have evrything that intrest me under a roof.....Trips n tastes my fav's!!!
    Keep going...

  14. Youve got a beautifully delicious blog Smitha, Keep up:)

  15. That looks like a pretty cake. At which point did you use the yogurt?

  16. Thank u for sharing good product..we will use it..

  17. wow! wonderful recipe!
    havent heard about this yogurt so far!
    thanks for sharing the recipe!

  18. hey Smitha, good to c u after a long time...hey actually this kristina mailed me too.....i guess i wud advertise the same product soon:))Don't u think stonyfield farm owe us!!!

  19. We easily get Greek Yoghurt in UK in all supermarkets......will try ur version of Tea cakes, they seem to be low in fat and worth giving a try....thanks for sharing

  20. Love your take on the yogurt's YUM!! I love yogurt added to bakes & cakes!

  21. the cake looks sooooo yummy smitha. so soft and spongy.

    yes, the yellow tint is intentional.

  22. Cakes look soft and spongy. Perfect with tea,


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When kindness touches it!
~George Elliston

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