We went to the Shaw Nature reserve to see thousands of daffodils in bloom. ( That was how it was advertised- Come see 1000's in bloom). But, I think it was the over expectation which led us to be disappointed. There were thousands. True. But all in small patches here and there spread across a large, large area. So, it's beauty did not come through. But, still, the flowers were beautiful and we enjoyed the stroll.
About this week - We are leaving for the grand canyon on Thursday and will be back only on Monday. So, see you guys sometime next week. I'm disappearing from the blogging scene for a week.
My post for today is another speciality from kerala. Moru kootaan( buttermilk curry)
My friend, Viji, who now lives in Texas, says that she has not made any other style of moru kootan ever since I handed her this recipe. She has nothing less than "awesome" and "great" to say about this curry.
Ingredients :

- White pumpkin - 25o gms
- Turmeric powder - 1/4 tspn
- Water - 1 cup
- Chilli powder - 1/2 tspn
- Salt - to taste
- Buttermilk - 1 cup
- Curry leaves - 5-6 leaves
- Oil - 2 tspns
- Red chilli - 1
- Mustard - 1/2 tspn
- Fenugreek seeds(methi seeds)- 1/2 tspn(optional)
- Grated coconut - 1/2 cup
- Green chillies - 2 (small)
- Cumin seeds - 1-1/2 tspn
- Wash and peel the pumpkin.Discard the seeds and the mushy centre.Cut into 1/2 inch pieces.
- Heat a pan and add 1 cup water to it.Add the white pumpkin pieces, turmeric powder, chilli powder and salt and boil till the pumpkin is cooked.(takes about 6-7 mins).
- Pour buttermilk into the ground-coconut mixture and stir well.
- Pour this into the curry and cook for another 2 mins on a medium flame.
- Take the curry off the heat.
- Finally, heat oil in a small saute pan. Splutter mustard. Season red chilli and fenugreek seeds along with it.Add fresh curry leaves.
- Add this seasoning to the hot moru kootan .
- Stir and serve with rice.
We had HOT weekend too after many months, did BBQ and gardening! :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your trip, see you next Monday.
I love Mor Kootan, looks delicious.I can't wait to grow some White Pumpkin, waiting for Summer.
even we had a gorgeous sunny weekend! enjoy your trip! :)
ReplyDeletelove moru kootan and the pic looks just soo tempting..im thinking of making some for lunch today :)
Looks delicious, hope you have a great trip !
ReplyDeleteLooks simply gorgeous...
ReplyDeletenew recipe with pumpkin..looking gorgeous smitha..enjoy your vacation!!
ReplyDeleteThe curry looks simply delicious.have a joyful trip buddy:)
ReplyDeleteWe call it vellarikka curry back at home..yeah its yummy..:)
ReplyDeleteWe have Tulip fest around..:)..n you have great time n enjoy..:)
wish you a wonderful vacation dear. Moru koottan looks delicious.
ReplyDeleteHi Smitha,
ReplyDeleteMorru kootan looks so healthy and inviting :) love ur kerala version v too make it the same way with slight changes here and there :) thanks dear.Hmmm...stroll amidst the daffodils wow! tha's lovely...something is better than nothin actually ads are misleading most of the times :) no worry Enjoy!
Have a safe and superb trip :) and once u r bk let us know abt ur adventures there :) along with some snaps.
Entamme!! adipoli aanallo!! :)
ReplyDeletenew recipe to me....moru koottan with pumpkin what a great idea ashane....
ReplyDeletewow..lovely colourful recipe..so simple
ReplyDeleteHey smitha ..lovely pofile pic ..u look beautiful ...wow ! gorgeous .
ReplyDeleteNAd love the color and the recipe ...will give it a try soon .Thanks for the wonderful commnts @ my blog keep visitng :)
Hmmm....i love moru koottan....we call it kumbalanga moru curry.....U can see a similar one in my blog....I love this curry....dint have it for a while....now feel like having after seeing your pic...ummm...ummmm.....My mo also uses yam (chena) sometimes instead of the pumpkin and its tasty too....try it sometime....enjoy your week..:)
ReplyDeleteHey Smitha ..have a fun trip and thanks for sharing this recipe:)
ReplyDeletelooks yum...I love mor kootan, my fave is the one that is made with mangoes. Can't wait for the mangoes to flood the market.
ReplyDeleteYou have a great trip :)
nice recipe .. I love such simple stuff
ReplyDeleteyet another gorgeous dish!!
ReplyDeleteLooks authntic n delicious. You have great recipes in ur blog..
ReplyDeleteHai i am new to this blog...loved your moru kootan recipe...i make it too sometimes. Nice pics
ReplyDeleteButtermilk curry, I must make a note of this. I love the colour.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful vacation Smitha!
ReplyDeleteThis is my fav curry Smitha..Yummmmm
ReplyDeleteThis sounds delicious; I have never made a buttermilk curry before. Is white pumpkin similar to butternut squash? Is it a winter squash? And also, maybe you can answer a question for me: does UNsweetened dried coconut flakes substitute in this situation? I have looked and looked and LOOKED :) some more but where I live I cannot find fresh or frozen grated coconut. I'm tired of avoiding curries that call for it!
ReplyDeleteHi Laura,
DeleteThanks for stopping by:) White pumpkin is also called ash gourd or winter melon. You will definitely find it at an Indian grocery store near you. Dried coconut changes the taste of a curry altogether. I would not recommend it for this recipe. For this recipe, you do need fresh or frozen coconut.This should also be available at and Indian grocery store.Promise.